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Dress Code and Self Presentation during the job interview

Self Presentation

Public speaking can be very stressful. I know that whenever I get up in front of a crowd I go through a panic moment. It takes a lot of discipline, practice and preparation to put on a good presentation and even knowing what you need to know can be hard.

Mental and Physical Preparation before Your Presentation

I’ve found that the more prepared I am, the more confident I feel. This makes for a better presentation. As you get comfortable speaking you’ll naturally feel more confident and the need to prepare (and time it takes) will not be so important. For newer and first time speakers you should spend as much time as you can get ready. Well, don’t make yourself crazy, just make sure you know and feel comfortable with your material and practice a few times.

  1. Speak slower.

  2. Talk to individuals in the crowd.

  3. Think before you speak. Take pauses.

A few other ways to prepare yourself:

  1. Drink lots of water.

  2. Get a good night’s sleep.

  3. Avoid the urge to go out drinking the night before. If you do, moderate yourself.

  4. Eat.

  5. Breathe.

  6. Visualize a positive outcome.

  7. Hang out with the other speakers (if there are any) and ask them questions and for advice. This always helps as they will usually build you up.


Venue of Interview

You should be well aware of the exact location of the interview

Your route or journey to the flight attendant job interview location should be planned well in advance and always give a lead-time of half an hour to cater to any unforeseen emergencies or traffic snarls.

Make sure in advance the location of parking places at the interview venue, if possible conduct a recap to the venue of interview a day before, this will reduce the nerves associated with venturing into an unfamiliar locality (like where to park, look for reception, entrance, exit for the building etc).

Dress Code & Grooming

  1. Look business like and wear office style smart attire.

  2. Be well groomed, with clean tidy hair, make up (if applicable) and clean shoes.

  3. You have to feel comfortable with your appearance.

  4. Do one final check of your overall appearance prior to leaving home, after arriving at the interview venue and during break times.


All documentation required should be laid out in a smart folder and presented to the interviewers when asked for.

Documents should be made ready a few days before the flight attendant job interview so as to ensure that you have all the necessary certificates and paperwork that you require to take with you. It will give you enough time to find missing copies of certain documents.

Research and Preparation

Keep abreast of all the information and latest happening pertaining to the airline.  Questions pertaining to latest news concerning the airline can be asked to judge your background knowledge as well as interest in the field. A good source for such information is the airline website, it generally has the history and latest news concerning the company.


Feeling nervous during interview process is perfectly normal. Spend some time relaxing on the day prior to your flight attendant job interview. Do the things that you like doing.  Also get a good night’s sleep, to avoid a worn out look.

Remember that the recruitment team will make allowances for the fact that people are nervous. Nerves can easily be tackled with prior preparation.

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